Publishing Your Page and Settings

Your page has a lot of settings, they all live in once place, Settings

Your page has several settings and controls that live inside the settings menu:

You can do the following:


To publish your page, view the status at the top of the settings page. If you page is active, you're already in the app. If your page is Pending, click the Publish Page button. If your page automatically appear inside the app when people load it from this point onward.

Temporarily Remove

To temporarily remove your page, you can unpublish your page. It will become "Inactive" and you won't appear on anyones phones anymore.

Please note that if a person is not connected to the internet, they may still see your page, but only until they connect to the internet again

Deleting Your Page

To delete your page is simple, simply scroll to the bottom of the app, select delete and confirm. You cannot undo this action - please be proceed with caution!

Download your page QR code

Your page will get it's own QR code for the website and app. You can download it on the settings page click the button and then right click and "Save As.."

View the website in Dark Mode

The whole website can be viewed in Dark Mode - simply click the toggle button.